Legal Notices


Health Terms

Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellnes  is not a medical company, business or organization. The website provides information in respect to healthy living, recipes, nutrition and diet and is intended for informational purposes only. Nothing contained on the Website or sent via email from Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness or its owner is medical advice nor should be construed as medical advice. Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness encourages you to consult with your doctor before using this Website. Any information generated, produced or disseminated by Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness  and owner should not and cannot be held as a substitute for consultation, evaluation, or treatment by your doctor. ALWAYS SEEK THE ADVICE OF YOUR DOCTOR OR OTHER QUALIFIED HEALTH PROVIDER WITH ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE REGARDING A PROPOSED DIET OR NUTRITION PROGRAM. DO NOT DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY IN SEEKING IT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON THE WEBSITE.

Terms and Conditions
Your access to and use of this website is subject to legally binding terms and conditions.  Carefully read the following terms and conditions before accessing or using this website.  Your accessing or use of this website indicates your acceptance of the following terms and conditions and your agreement to be bound by them.
 The following terms and conditions form a binding agreement (“Agreement”) between you, Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness and all of its properties (“Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness”).  We may change these terms and conditions at any time without advance notice. Changed terms will become effective once posted on this website.  Your continued use of this website after any change means you have accepted the changed terms and conditions.

 All references to money amounts in this Agreement, unless otherwise specified, are in Canadian dollars.


Canadian Copyright Law
Copyright protection is automatic in Canada. A work need not be registered with the Canadian Copyright Office nor does it have to be marked with a © to indicate that it is copyright protected.

  1. a)    Restricted Uses
    Unauthorized copying or commercial publication or exploitation of text, images, audio and video clips and other content of this website including publication, retransmission, broadcast, circulation, selling, reproduction or redistribution, except as authorized by Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness, is specifically prohibited. Anyone wishing to use any text, images, audio and video clips and other content for commercial use, publication, or any purpose other than fair dealing as defined by Canadian law, must request and receive prior written permission from Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness You covenant and agree not to use any screen scraping, framing, bots, spiders, crawlers, avatars, intelligent agents or other automated processes on this website or its content, without Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness written consent.

 Permission for such uses may be granted on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness.  A usage fee may be assessed depending on the type and nature of the proposed use.
  2. b)    Links to Third Party Websites
    The Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness website contains links to third party websites. The linked sites and pages are not under the control of Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness and Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness is not responsible for the contents of any linked website. These links are provided as a convenience only and shall not be construed as an endorsement of, sponsorship of, or affiliation with the linked website by Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness
  3. c)    Entire Agreement
    These terms and conditions and any other legal notices, policies and guidelines of Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness linked to these terms and conditions constitute the entire Agreement between you and Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness relating to your use of this website and supersede any prior understandings or agreements (whether oral or written), claims, representations, and understandings of the parties regarding such subject matter.  This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness making such amendments or modifications available on this website.
  4. d)    Termination of Access
    You agree that Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness, in its sole discretion, may suspend or terminate your password, account, or use of Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness’s Properties, Services or Paid Services and remove and discard any User Postings at its convenience or for any reason, including without limitation if we believe you have violated or may violate these Terms and Conditions.  You agree that any suspension and/or termination of your access to Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness properties, or use of the Services or Paid Services may be effected without prior notice and that the Graziela Alexandrova  Holistic Nutritionist will not be liable to you or to any other person as a result of any such suspension or termination.
  5. e)    Limitation of Liability and Indemnity

As a condition of your use of this website, you agree to indemnify Graziela Alexandrova  Holistic Nutritionist and its affiliates from and against any and all liabilities, expenses (including legal fees) and damages arising out of claims resulting from your use of this website, including without limitation any claims alleging facts that, if true, would constitute a breach by you of these terms and conditions.


  1. a)    Personal Information Protection and Privacy
Graziela Alexandrova  Holistic Nutritionist understands how important your privacy is.  We are committed to protecting your privacy and any personal information we collect about you.  The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about what personal information we collect and how and why we collect it, to outline the steps we take to keep your personal information confidential, and to provide you with contact information at Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness should you have questions or concerns about our personal information protection practices.
  2. b)    What is personal information?
    “Personal information” is personally identifiable information such as your name, residential address and e-mail address and includes information about your products, services, subscriptions and usage, credit card information and billing records.  It does not include the name, title, business address or telephone number of an employee of an organization.
  3. c)    What type of personal information does Graziela Alexandrova  Holistic Nutritionist collect?
    Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness  collects various types of personal information. We may collect any of the following:
  4. i) Your name, billing/shipping address, email address, telephone number,
    and credit card information, including card number, card type, cardholder name and expiration date, when you purchase products or services from us or products from any online Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness shop.  We may also obtain some or all of this information when create a user account on Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness (when applicable). By purchasing a product or service from us you consent to have your email address added to a Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness mailing list with the purpose of updating you on your purchase, delivering virtual products, informing you of upcoming news, events, updates, promotions and contests pertaining to Graziela Alexandrova  Holistic Nutritionist.
  5. ii)     Personal information you provide to us when you participate in any of our events. This personal information might include your name, profession, e-mail address, phone number, photograph, answers to specific questions, password and computer information.

iii)     Personal information you provide to us when you participate in any of our on-line programs, other meeting spaces, blogs or forums.  This personal information might include your name, profession, e-mail address, phone number, photograph, answers to specific questions, password and computer information.  The personal information you provide to us when participating in our online programs, meeting spaces, blogs or forums may be used for marketing purposes.

  1. iv)   Personal information you provide to us when you participate in one of our contests, sweepstakes or surveys. This information may include your name, email address and street address, and the answers to survey questions.  The personal information you provide to us when participating in these promotions, surveys and contests may be used for marketing purposes.
  2. v)    Personal information you provide to us when subscribing to our newsletters or emails or when you use our web site, including, but not limited, to when you created a Graziela Alexandrova  Holistic Nutritionist profile at or  on Facebook. This personal information might include your name, billing/shipping address, email address, telephone number, and credit card information, including card number, card type, cardholder name and expiration date.
  3. vi)    Your personal information from our business partners and other third parties provided they have agreed to obtain your consent before disclosing your personal information to us.

vii)   Certain technical information from your computer each time you request a page during a visit  to our website This information is collected from your computer’s Web browser to enhance your experience on our web site and may include your IP address, operating system, Web browser software, screen resolution, and referrer Web site.

  1. d)    How does Graziela Alexandrova  Holistic Nutritionist collect personal information?
    We collect personal information that is voluntarily provided to us by our customers, members, sponsors, web site users and the public in general when they contact us via telephone, e-mail, web browser, or in person. As mentioned above, we may also collect personal information from our business partners and other third parties who have agreed to obtain the consent of the person the information pertains to before disclosing the information to us. Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness may also collect personal information through the following means:
  2. i)       A cookie is a piece of data stored on a web site user’s computer hard drive containing information about the user. When someone signs in at our web site, we record their Member ID and name on the member account in a cookie file on their computer. We may also record their password in this cookie file if they checked the box entitled “Save this password for automatic sign-in.”  The user’s Member ID, password, and the name on their member account is stored in the cookie file as encrypted data, to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing the information it contains.  Cookies automatically delete this information from our computer storage system after 30 days, but permanent cookie files remain on the user’s computer’s hard drive until they manually delete the file.  Graziela Alexandrova  Holistic Nutritionist can use cookies to deliver content specific to your interests and to save your password so you don’t have to re-enter it each time you visit our web site. Cookies, by themselves, cannot be used to disclose your individual identity. A cookie will identify your browser, but not you, to our computer servers when you visit our web site. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can set your browsers to refuse cookies. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may be limited in some areas of our web site.
  3. ii)     Web beacons. To assess the effectiveness of promotional and marketing e-mails we send, we may attach a web beacon to the email that provides us with confirmation when the recipient opens the e-mail. This only occurs if the recipient’s computer supports such technology.
  4. e)    Why does Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness collect your Personal Information (not all of these options may be in place all the time)?

    Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness  may collect personal information about you and use it for the following reasons:
  5. i)       To provide products and services to you, to inform you of changes and other relevant information pertaining to your purchase, to bill you when you make a purchase from us, to acknowledge your support and to provide that information to the Canada Revenue Agency and to contact you when necessary for these purposes.
  6. ii)      To provide you with services or recognition you request.

iii)     When you register a Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness user account we use your information to create and manage your membership.

  1. iv)    For marketing purposes. We may use your contact information to send you emails about promotions, surveys, contests and special events or providing other marketing information to you.  Promotional e-mails are intended to inform you of new or unique opportunities, events or special deals that are available from Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness.  You can opt not to receive these emails from us by either clicking “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email when you receive it or by sending an e-mail that includes your e-mail address and a request that you not receive our promotional e-mails.  In addition, we may send you postal mail notifying you of promotions, surveys, contests or special events or providing other marketing information to you.  You can unsubscribe from this postal mail service by sending an e-mail with “unsubscribe” in the subject line to that includes your e-mail address and street address.  This information will only be used to remove your from our list of recipients of marketing emails and mail.
  2. v)     To improve the quality of your visit to our web site. We use electronic information such as “cookies” to improve your use of our web site.  We collect certain information (e.g., purchasing trends) based on your navigation of our web site to better understand and serve our customers, members and web site visitors.  This data allows us to streamline your ability to navigate our web site and develop featured programs and content that will be of interest to our customers and members and web site visitors.
  3. vi)    To improve our service offerings.  We monitor and analyze the use of our service offerings in order to determine which services are popular and useful to our customers, members and web site visitors so that we can improve them.

vii)   To better understand your interests. Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness may also prepare aggregated user statistics or information summaries to describe our services and their popularity to our business partners and prospective advertisers and for other lawful purposes. The aggregated user statistics and information will not contain any personally identifiable information.

viii)  To provide a secure and safe environment for our visitors and employees.

  1. ix)    To co-operate with law enforcement and to protect against violations of criminal or civil laws.
  2. x)     We may use your personal information to respond when you submit a question or suggestion to us, or when you request assistance with your membership, viewing your purchase(s), logging on to or accessing your account from our web site.


Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness takes your privacy very seriously and WILL NEVER sell or rent any personal information we collect. Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness may disclose some personal information we collect to service providers who help us provide personalized content and advertising to you.

4)     HOW Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness PROTECTS YOUR PRIVACY

Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness is committed to protecting your privacy. Security measures, such as locked filing cabinets, restricted access and the use of passwords and encryption have been adopted to protect your personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. Our employees have been trained to respect your privacy at all times.  Our employees who have access to your personal information are required to use it strictly in accordance with our Privacy Policy and applicable laws.

All information submitted to our web site or email addresses is transferred to the Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness computer servers.  During an on-line transaction, this information is submitted using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.  SSL-enabled web browsers employ a security protocol between the client and the server computer in order to ensure that information will be transferred to the intended recipient secured servers only.

Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness will keep your personal information only as long as it remains necessary or relevant for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy or as required by law.

There are several places throughout our web site that may link you to other web sites that do not operate under Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness’s Privacy Policy.  When you click through to these web sites, Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness’s Privacy Policy no longer applies. We recommend that you examine the privacy statements of any third-party web sites you visit to understand their procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing your information.  Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness makes no promises, warranties or representations about these third party web sites and bears no liability whatsoever for your use of them.

The internet is, by its nature, inherently open and subject to interception of information. We cannot guarantee that information you provide to us over the internet or otherwise will not be intercepted by third parties while it is being communicated by means that are outside of our control.


By choosing to provide us with your personal information you are consenting to its collection, use and disclosure in accordance with the principles outlined in this Privacy Policy.  If you are under the age of 18, you must not provide any personal information to us without the consent of your parent or guardian, or as otherwise provided for by applicable law.

Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness encourages you to review our on-line Privacy Policy on a periodic basis.  This Privacy Policy may be updated from time-to-time and your subsequent use of our web site will be your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your information as set out in this Privacy Policy.

If you don’t want Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness to collect, use or disclose your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy, please tell us at the time the information is requested or collected.


Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness  tries to ensure that all personal information about you that is in our possession is accurate, complete and up-to-date.  To enable us to do so, please inform the person to whom you provided your personal information of any change to that information.

You can inquire about, access and review your personal information held by Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness and make corrections to it.  Please inform us by sending an email to for assistance with these matters. In some cases Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness will be prevented from disclosing the requested information to you.  If any request you make for access to personal information is denied, we will provide you with an explanation. 


If you have any questions or concerns about Graziela Alexandrova Nutrition & Wellness’s personal information collection, use and disclosure practices, please let us know and we will do our best to help you.




All digital products, services, gift cards, online programs, workshops and event tickets are final sale. Please carefully read all of the information available and contact us at if you have any questions.


  1. a)     Returns

Non-returnable items:
Digital products, services, gift cards, online programs, workshops and event tickets.




  • Disclaimer


Information contained on (the “Site”) is based on the knowledge, research, and the professional and personal experience of Graziela Alexandrova (The terms “I”, “me”, “my” and “mine” refer to Graziela Alexandrova, RHN). Some of the nutrition advice on this site is not universally accepted as evidence-based practice and is neither sponsored, approved, recommended nor endorsed by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), FDA (Food and Drug Administration), Health Canada, NIH (National Institutes of Health), AHA (American Heart Association), ADA (American Diabetes Association), or AND (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics).The information on my site is not intended as medical advice, medical nutrition therapy or individualized nutrition counselling/coaching. This Site and I, Graziela Alexandrova, do not claim to cure, prevent, diagnose, or treat any nutrition-related disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before changing your diet or medications or beginning any exercise routine. I, as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist  have been trained to translate science into practical information and the opinions shared on the blog are my own.  I assume no liability for the use or misuse of any information found within this site.

Information contained on this Site does not replace services conducted in person or via phone or Skype that take into account each client’s own health conditions, medications, treatments, and goals and specifically utilizes my training in functional nutrition and as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist.

This Site may contain links to other sites. I do not control, monitor, or guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in external sites, and do not necessarily endorse the views expressed therein. People who post messages in the comments sections are considered private individuals representing their own views. I maintain the right to delete comments and/or ban commenters that I deem to be threatening or otherwise inappropriate in an effort to maintain a dynamic and supportive community. I don’t endorse and I am not responsible for the statements made by third parties.

Product Reviews, Features, Ads & Affiliates

To date, I have not accepted any form of payment for my blogging here on However, I may accept products/gifts in exchange for reviews on the blog and may also be asked to do so in exchange for money. That said, receipt of such products or money in no way influences my reviews. My reviews are based solely on my experience with the product/service and the perceived value to those reading my blog.

I partner only with brands or affiliates I trust and believe provide value and excellent service.

Updated: March 2019


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Connect with Graziela

If you are curious about my services or how I can help you, I offer a complimentary intro call to discuss your health concerns and goals and determine how I can help you in achieving those goals.



647 - 818 - 8005